Is collagen in tablets effective?

Czy kolagen w tabletkach jest skuteczny?

Wondering if collagen in pills is effective? Are you planning to start supplementation, but are accompanied by concerns? Below I discuss collagen and answer the title question.

What is collagen and where does it come from?

Collagen is a protein produced by our body. Its main function is to connect cells, which is why it is so in demand among people who care about healthy and beautiful skin. It also supports the strength of bones (including teeth), tendons and cartilage. However, the role of collagen in the human body is much broader, and it even protects internal organs.

This protein is mainly taken from the diet. You’ll find large amounts of it in various types of gelatin, cartilage and animal offal. However, these are products that people on a diet try to avoid – as they have a high fat content. Not surprisingly, they are looking for other methods to increase the amount of this protein in the body, and use, for example, collagen in tablets.

Is collagen in tablets effective?

On the market you will find plenty of supplements with collagen in the composition. However, it is most often chosen in powder or tablet form. However, there may be various problems along the way, such as assimilation. For many years, our body has adapted to getting protein from the diet, not supplements. So is collagen in pills effective? Yes, but it is not the optimal choice.

It will be much more sensible to start by changing your lifestyle (increased physical activity) and giving up habits (mainly alcohol and cigarettes). Also give up prolonged sunbathing without a good sunscreen. Ensure a healthy and balanced diet, which will naturally help you increase the amount of collagen in your body. Only when the above measures do not work (or your health does not allow you to implement them), you can opt for collagen tablets.

Collagen deficiency – what are the causes and symptoms?

The loss of collagen in the body is… natural. The older we get, the less protein our body produces. We are also less physically active, which also translates into a shortage. However, this does not mean that you have to accept this state of affairs. This is because too little collagen in the blood translates into:

– Skin deterioration (lack of elasticity, dulling),

– hair and nail breakage,

– Bone and joint pain.

Reduced immunity, cardiovascular problems or appetite disorders may also occur. You might have already deduced the reasons for collagen deficiency from the previous paragraph, where I wrote about physical activity, stimulants and sunlight. However, these are not all the reasons. In addition to these, the amount of collagen is negatively affected:

– Lack of adequate hydration (try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day),

– irregular sleep (sleep 7-9 hours a night, depending on your body’s needs),

– excessive stress (if you can’t handle it, reach for natural sedatives).

As I am a proponent of natural solutions – I suggest you start by changing your diet, introducing daily physical activity and ensuring good sleep hygiene. Since you’re reading this article, you’re probably wondering whether collagen in tablets is effective – in other words: you want to start supplementing it. Of course, I won’t forbid you to do it, but without adequate effort on your part, “collagen in a capsule” may not help much.

Endermologie treatment vs collagen

Endermologie treatment has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It helps in the fight against cellulite, but also in the production of elastin and… the title collagen. If you want to learn more about the endermologie procedure, be sure to read my previous blog posts:

Endermologie – side effects. What are they and can they be dangerous?

Endermologie – contraindications to the procedure (and a few words about observation)

Endermologie – effects (and additional advice from us)

Personally, I am a manufacturer of outfits designed for endermology, as well as spa, cosmetic and rehabilitation treatments. You can read more about my outfits by clicking here and by visiting my store.

Collagen in tablets – a summary of the topic

Some things are beyond our control. Even though you would stand on your head – you will not stop the aging process. However, you can take care of your life and change it for the better. Start by gradually weaning yourself off unhealthy foods and doing 20-minute light workouts. It will certainly help you more than supplementing collagen in pills while maintaining unhealthy habits.

I can recommend supplementation to people:

Ailing or elderly. Because they may not be able to play sports, and experimenting with diet is severely hampered in their case. Of course, you can only start supplementation after consulting a specialist.

Whom the above methods have failed. Each organism has its own “charm.” Do you lead an active lifestyle, keep a healthy diet and try to get enough sleep, yet your collagen levels are low? Seek medical advice and, as a last resort, start supplementation.

I wish you good health and invite you to visit your Thursday blog next week. Greetings!

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